Basic First Aid

Over 600,000 non-fatal injuries occur each year in the UK, resulting in pain, suffering, loss of life and financial implications. Employers need to assess first aid requirements, dependent upon the level of risk, size of the organisation as well as the type of activity.  Both employer and employee must know how to react in an emergency and feel confident that the correct levels of first aid provision have been allocated. This eLearning course only provides an introduction into awareness education and will not formally qualify anyone in Basic First Aid. However, it will teach you to assess your requirements and help you to understand your legal duty. This training should be used alongside First Aid Requirements in the Workplace (including RIDDOR).

You can download a leaflet about this course here.


This course covers:

Assessing and accident

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

The Recovery Position

Training outcomes:

Know what to do at the scene of an accident

Assessing the scene and the severity of the incident

Putting a casualty in the recovery position

Dealing with casualties in shock or with major bleeding

You do not require any previous training before starting this e-learning course. It should take no longer than 25 minutes to complete and will issue you with a certificate on the successful completion of the resulting exam.

To book this course, click here.