PAT Testing

AGA have 6 fully qualified PAT Testers ready to come to your sites and offices.

Why do you Require PAT Testing?

The Health And Safety At Work Act 1974:
“Puts the duty of care upon both the employer and the employee to ensure the safety of all persons using the work premises. This includes the self-employed.”

The Electricity At Work Regulations 1989:
“As May be necessary to prevent danger, all systems shall be maintained so as to prevent, so far as reasonably practicable, such danger.

The Management Of Heath And Safety At Work Regulations 1999:
“Every employer shall make suitable and sufficient assessment of:
(a)The risk to the health and safety of his employees to which they are exposed whilst at work, and,
(b)The risk to ensure the health and safety of persons not in his employment arising out of or inconnection with the conduct by him or his undertaking.”

The Provision And Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998:
“Every employer shall ensue that work equipment is maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair.”

What you need to do:
The ‘Duty Holder’ must risk assess all electrical equipment used in the workplace or for work purposes. This should include: battery powered equipment, three phase equipment and equipment that is permanently connected to the electrical installation, such as hand dryers and cookers.
The risk assessment will determine the type and frequency of inspection and testing (PAT) that will be carried out on the equipment and any other safety measures.

AGA can give you advice on:
·Requirement for Visual Inspection Electrical Equipment.
·Requirement for Electrical Testing of Equipment.
·Frequency of Inspection and Testing.
·Requirement for record keeping.

What AGA can do for you?
We can test all your 230V and 110V covering Class I, Class II, Class II FE and Class III appliancesincluding extension leads and 3 core leads.

Prices available upon request, from a set day rates to a price per item tested.
AGA will come out to your location to carry out the tests.