Confined Space Awareness

Confined spaces are areas that can be hazardous to work in. Sometimes, we can’t avoid them. If you need to work in a confined space, you can follow a variety of methods and practices to safely complete your task.

Confined spaces are defined as places that are substantially enclosed, though not always entirely, where serious injury can occur from hazardous substances or conditions within the space or nearby, such as a lack of oxygen or sudden flooding.

You can download a leaflet about this course here.

This course covers:

Law and Legal

Recognising Confined Spaces

What Hazards can be Found in a Confined Space?

Hazards with Major Risks

Controlling Hazards

Training outcomes:

Learn about what legislation is in place for Confined Spaces

Know what exactly a “Confined Space” is.

Understand the dangers associated with working within a “Confined Space”.

You do not require any previous training before starting this e-learning course. It should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete and will issue you with a certificate on the successful completion of the resulting exam.

To book this course, click here.